Future-clothing wears brand,3D Printing. The Future of Clothing?

Find it tricky deciding what to wear in the morning? Bored with what’s in your wardrobe? Come 2050, these could no longer be daily concerns, according to designer Joshua Harris.

3D printers are already appearing in garden sheds and garages around the world as hobbyists tinker and develop their own designs in the comfort of their own homes. But Joshua believes that using this technology to print out clothing will be the norm in the coming 40 years, as 3D printers take their place among other household appliances we use every day.

He believes this idea will revolutionize the fashion retail industry, as it brings clothing production into the home. Currently, the 3D Clothing Printer is just a concept but according to Joshua, making our own clothes at home; with fewer resources and in less time would become a necessity by 2050. As more and more people would migrate to the cities, the fashion trends would change and as a result, people would start looking for new clothes.

“Being able to print your clothes in-house (literally) would mean there are no wasteful transportation costs or factory costs associated with the clothes you buy,” he stated. “Not only is this saving you money, but it’s also saving the environment – a combination your rarely hear these days.”

So how is the Clothing Printer going to work?

The Clothing Printer would come with thread cartridges of different colors and you can use seven different cartridges at a time, that are placed inside the printer. According to Joshua, fashion designers can make cartridges for their clothes and once the user buys the cartridge they can then directly print them at home. In case you are bored of a particular cloth, you can put it back into the printer and it would be broken down into threads, these threads would then get into the cartridge and can be used in future.

Mr. Harris’ design was placed in the semifinals of the annual Electrolux design competition in 2010 and the brief for contestants was to come up with a solution to deal with the rapid urbanization of the population by 2050. It certainly would make our lives easier and our clothes more manageable. Sadly we’d be out of a job but just think of all the endless possibilities!


منحة الحكومة التركية-Turkiye Burslari

المنحة التركية من اسهل المنح للحصول عليها, لا تحتاج الا شهادة الثانوية العامة … يمكنك متابعة هذه السلسلة فيها نصائح عن كيفية القبول واجابة اغلب الاسئلة من طالب مقبول  فى المنحة , أضغط هنا لمشاهدتها

بالنسبة للمصريين لمن يريد ان يتقدم للمنحة بدرجة بكالوريوس  تذهب الى مكتب الثانوية العامة التابع لمنطقتك و تستخرج بيان نجاح و بيان درجات مترجمان بالانجليزية (يفضل وليس اجبارى) و تأخذهم سكانر مع البطاقة او الباسبور(يفضل وليس لازما) , و أى شهادة حصلت عليها فى اى مجال او شهادات تقدير , و خطاب توصية من مدرس او دكتور جامعة , و ستجد استمارة الكترونية على موقع المنحة و غالبا تفتح المنحة فى شهر 3

موقع المنحة الرسمى اضغط هنا
يوجد صفاحات لمساعدات الطلاب بمقابل مادي بسيط منهم
معلومات عامة عن تركيا
مصاريف الجامعات الحكومية تبدأ من 250 ل 1000 دولار سنويا و افضلهم جامعة الشرق الاوسط, المعيشة فى تركيا تتكلف  فيما يقارب من 200 ل 300 دولار شهريا.
أنا حصلت على المنحة هذه السنة (2016-2017)  وبالنسبة لسؤال ما يزيد فرصتى فالقبول و هذا الكلام عن تجربتى انا و اثنين من زملائلى.
درجة الثانوية العامة او ثانية ثانوى للطلاب الذين يدرسون ثالثة ثانوى اثناء التقديم بجانب خبرات فى مجال الانشطة التطوعية او عمل سابق او  كورسات فى مجال دراستك او هواية او رياضة
يفضل ان تأخذ خطاب توصية من مدرس او دكتور او منظمة تطوعية او جميعهم
أثناء التقديم يفضل ان تعبىء الابليكيشن فى اول اسبوع لأن بعد قترة من بداية التقديم يبدأ ان يحصل بعض المشاكل فى السيستم الخاص بالمنحة
يفضل ان يكون صور الشهادات و الاوراق المطلوبة واضحة
يجب ان تهتم لما تكتبه فى الابلكيشن و ان تركز على اختصاص واحد او اثنين مثل الهندسة الميكانيكا و هندسة الطاقة او هندسة مدنية و هندسة معمارية و ما الى ذالك.
يفضل قبل التقديم ان تقرا عن تركيا و القسم الذى تريده و المدن و الجامعات لان بنهاية الابلكيشن سوف تختار 12 اختصاص فيجب ان تعرف المدن التى ستختارها و الجامعات
ده شرح لاخر ابلكيشن سنة 2016-2017 اضغط هنا
منح أخرى اضغط هنا

Learning Turkish for English and Arabic speakers.

This some little sources for learning Turkish for English speakers on youtube or learning websites :


1- Manisa Turkish

2- Turkish Language Class

3- The Turkish Suffix Dictionary

4- English Turkish similar words

YouTube :-

5- online Turkish lesson

6- Learn Turkish with TurkishClass101.com

Practicing websites :

7- italki,com

This website for exchanging Language, you can find any Turkish who want to learn English from you and teach Turkish to you.

8- Duolingo

This website for practicing, learning and answering questions.


هذه بعض الموافع لتعلم اللغة التركية :

خمس مستوايات لتعلم التركية

Emessa Academy

AK Music Turk

يوجد هنا اغانى مترجمة بالعربية

مسلسل قيامة أرطغرل مترجم

كلمات تركية عربية متشابهة












منح للدراسة بالخارج ومصادرها

هذه المنح من اسهل المنح الممكن ان تحصل عليها و جميعها ممولة بالكامل

  أولا منحة الحكومة التركية

هى من اسهل المنح من ناحية الاجرائات او الشهادات المطلوبة او التقديم, لمعرفة تفاصيل المنح يمكنكم مشهادات هذه الفديوهات لطالب حصل على المنحة اضغط هنا

 بالنسبة للمصريين لمن يريد ان يتقدم للمنحة بدرجة بكالوريوس  تذهب الى مكتب الثانوية العامة التابع لمنطقتك و تستخرج بيان نجاح و بيان درجات مترجمان بالانجليزية (يفضل) و تأخذهم سكانر مع البطاقة او الباسبور و أى شهادة حصلت عليها فى اى مجال او شهادات تقدير و خطاب توصية من مدرس او دكتور جامعة و ستجد استمارة الكترونية على موقع المنحة و غالبا تفتح المنحة فى شهر 3 , موقع المنحة الرسمى اضغط هنا

يوجد صفاحات لمساعدات الطلاب بمقابل مادي بسيط منهم

Study in Turkey الدراسة في تركيا

علمنى شكرا

Turk Oogle

جروب للمصريين المنحة التركية رابطة المصريين

معلومات عامة عن تركيا
مصاريف الجامعات الحكومية تبدأ من 250 ل 1000 دولار سنويا , المعيشة فى تركيا تتكلم فيما يقارب من 200 ل 300 دولار شهريا.


ثانيا الدراسة فى امريكا

منحة نجيب ساويرس يتكلف مصاريف الجامعة و المعيشة فى امريكا لجامعاتان

Stanford University or University of Chicago in the United States

شروط التقديم :

  • GPA 3.5/90% in Thanaweyya Amma (Secondary year) or equivalent certificates
  • IBT TOEFL: 100 or above
  • SAT I: 2100 or above
    • Reading: 700
    • Math: 700
    • Writing: 700
  • SAT II in 3 subjects: 600 or above
  • Extracurricular Activities

موقع المنحة Onsi Sawiris


ثالثا الدراسة فى اليابان

منحة حكومة اليابان مثل منحة حكومة تركيا و نفس الشروط و هى التفوق الدراسى اهم شىء
موقع المنحة هنا , موقع سفارة اليابان فى مصر هنا

تفاصيل أكثر كيف تحصل على منحة للدراسة بكوكب اليابان؟


رابعا الدراسة فى كوريا

منحة الحكومة الكوريا مثلها مثل تركيا و اليابان ممولة بالكامل لمعرفة تفاصيل المنحة معلومات عن الدراسة في كوريا

         موقع المنحة KGSP

or Korean Government Scholarship Program


هذه بعض المواقع و الصفحات التى يمكن ان تبحث عن منح او تفاصيل الدراسة بالخارج




منح دراسية بالعربى



searching for a program or university EasyUni.com

For studying in Russia Studying in Russia

For studying in Turkey Study in turkey

Studying in UK Chevening

Studying in Czech Republic Studying in Czech

Hey Success


منح مجانية براتب شهرى

Scholarships 2016

بوست عن ماليزيا و ألمانية

ممكن تتابعوا الناس ديه هتستفادوا منهم جدا

Abdo Samy       Ahmed El Gebaly   مؤسسين موقع مرجع

Abdullah Amer  مؤسس Englısh Capsules

Microsoft Office Applications


  • There are many skills you can learn to make your life better and be acceptable for any job and make your way of studying easier, to know more about this skills you can join Skills You need.
  • Some skills i believe they will help you to improve your study, job and finding an online job:

-Managerial Skills

-Creative and Critical Thinking
-Leadership Skills
-Technical Writing skills
-Communication Skills
-Researching and searching skill
-Web Design
  • Coursera Courses:-
1- Managerial Skills:
Project Management Capstone 4 courses created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.7/5).
Strategic Management 4 Courses created by Copenhagen Business School, rate (4.7/5).
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity 1 course created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.2/5).
Managing Project Risks and Changes  1 course created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.6/5).
Become a better manager of people 4 Courses created by University of Minnesota.***
2-Leadership Skills:
Leading to inspire and engage others 4 Courses created by Case Western Reserve University.***
International Leadership and Organizational Behavior 1 course created by Universita Bocconi.


3-Creative and Critical Thinking:
4-Technical Writing skills:
Transform Your Writing Skills 4 Courses created by UCI.***
5-Communication Skills:
Improve Your English Communication Skills 3 Courses created by Georgia institute of Technology.***
Social Media Marketing 5 Courses Created by NorthWestern University. ***
Develop Your Marketing Strategy 4 Courses created by IE Business School. ***
Drive Customer Behavior Online 5 Courses created by University of Illinois. ***
7-Web Design:
Create a Web Experience 5 Courses Created by University of London. ***
Learn to Design and Create Websites 4 Courses Created by University of Michigan. ***
8-Researching and searching skill:
The most important skill that help me to create this blog is searching skill who to find any information about anything, this topic DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEARCH AND RESEARCH illustrates the difference between this two skills.
Critically Evaluate Social Science Research and Analyze Results Using R 5 Courses created by University of Amsterdam, In 5 courses, learn to recognize sloppy science, perform solid research and do appropriate data analysis.***
Become an SEO Expert 6 Courses created by UCDAVIS, Master search engine optimization tools and strategies. ***
  • Other Courses:- 
Show Academy (Paid Courses)
Build Learning and Study Skills to Excel at University Learn to research, solve problems, think critically, and communicate effectively in your university courses.  ( Coursera)
-Steps of Researching Click Here.
Note : (***) means Important courses.

It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at ahmedessameldiin@gmail.com

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.

Study Schedule

How to organize a study schedule ?


Majority of people habit organize studying schedule specially during the Exams, so they do a schedule for a month or more and naturally it fails, that happened with me too.
But at the end of my high school i tried to organize a schedule for ( a day to three days),i don’t put a specific time just determine period of time to study two subject in that day and something like that, that’s succeeded with me, and this are the steps :-


-In a free day try to determine all subjects you had taken,the syllabus of these subjects and what are the lessons you studied well and what not ?
-Before the day that you want to begin studying put a schedule for two or three days by the same way i said before.
-May you have an important subject that you should review it well so you can make a schedule for it only.

-In the second day of the schedule before sleeping put another schedule for the next two days ..etc.
-You shouldn’t compress your self, you should know What’s your ability to study ?
In General There is a big difference between a student and the Project Manager who put a schedule after reviewing all circumstances that may face him, putting many plans and he knows that if this schedule don’t be succeeded he will lose much things and sure the student won’t do any thing of that.
I don’t tell you a magic and don’t ask any one to make a schedule for you, this my Experiment that’s succeeded with me. _________________________________________________________

ازاى تنظم جدول مذاكرة ؟

كعادة الاغلبية كنت بعمل جداول مذاكرة و طبعا بتفشل, بس فأواخر ثانوية عامة بقيت امشى بطريقة ونجحت معايا و هقول اسبابها.
أغلب الناس بتحب تعمل جدول خصوصا ايام الامتحانات فبيعمل جدول شهر بحاله, و بيفشل وده طبيعي عشان بتحصل حاجات و ظروف بتأثرعلىه, فانا شخصيا بقيت بعمل جدول لفترة ( يوم- ثلاث ايام) و مبحطش مواعيد بس بقدر الوقت, بمعنى هذاكر مادتين بكرا كل واحدة ساعتين ل ثلاثة مثلا و حسب وقتك بقى وراحتك فاليوم ده, بس النظام بالظبط الى بعمله كالاتى:-
– فى يوم انت فاضى فيه حدد المواد كلها ايه هى و حاول لو تعرف تحدد ايه هى الدروس الى انت مذاكرها و ايه الى لسة.
-قبل متبدأ (دح) بيوم ظبط جدول ليومين بالطريقة الى قلت عليها هذاكر كذا و كذا لمدة كام ساعة.

-ممكن تلاقى مادة مهمة فتحطلها جدول لوحدها.
-تانى يوم فالجدول بليل تعمل نفس الكلام ليومين قدام و هكذا.
-مش بيعدي اليوم الا لما بنجز الى حطيته فالجدول, بسبب انى مش بضغط نفسى و عارف انا قدرتى كام ساعة فاليوم.
بشكل عام عمل جداول بتتطلب تنظيم دقيق و دراسة و مراجعة لحاجات كتير بس فيه فرق كبير بين مدير مشروع بيعمل جدول و عارف انه اى تأخير او تأثير عليه بيخليه يخسر كتير جداااا و بيحط فالاعتبار عوام و خطط تانية وده اكيد مفيش طالب هيعمل الكلام ده.
انا مش بقول سحر و متنتظرش حد يعملك جدول او تاخد رأى حد بس ديه كانت تجربتى لفترة طويلة و كانت بتنجح معايا لو حبيت اذاكر.

English Learning Websites

Why should i study English ?

I can write many things that encourage you to improve your English that really can help you in many things and there are many people that gain many opportunities and scholarships because of their English proficiency.

But you can read this article from Oxford Royale Academy to know more about the English language benefit Click Here    
To Know the difference between American and British English Click Here 

The best way to improve your English accent is talking 
 with real people special native English people,  you have to use your English every day.
  • This are some websites about exchange languages:  
  • Top websites to learn English :

TedX Talks
BBC Learning English
British Council 

Voice of America News

  • For English Vocabulary :

bab.la (Online Translator)
ozdic.com (Collection Dictionary)
Test Vocab.

  • For Reading News:
CNN World News
NBC World News
ABC News

  • Some online courses:

-Coursera Courses : Learning English
-open Culture : Learn English
-English Capsules: English Materials

  • Article about speaking:

33 ways to speak better English – without taking classes



Before Learning you have to know your level, the best way you want to learn through, reading and writing everyday.  

It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at ahmedessameldiin@gmail.com

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.

Youtube English Courses

Why should i study English ?

Why should i study English ?I can write many things that encourage you to improve your English that really can help you in many things and there are many people that gain many opportunities and scholarships because of their English proficiency.

But you can read this article from Oxford Royale Academy to know more about the English language benefit Click Here    

To Know the difference between American and British English Click Here

  • Some Online English courses from You-tube channels.
                 –JenniferESL For teaching English

From the most popular youtube channel is JenniferESL


  • Popular Channels:
  • This some articles that were written on Facebook for Arabian:

Form Your Future – FYF

ازاى اذاكر انجليزى ؟


  • For Egyptians who want to take a paid courses i recommend you English Capsules Courses.


  • For Indians and Pakistanis: 


The next blogging will be about the most popular website courses and Reading articles or news websites… 

It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at ahmedessameldiin@gmail.com

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.