
  • There are many skills you can learn to make your life better and be acceptable for any job and make your way of studying easier, to know more about this skills you can join Skills You need.
  • Some skills i believe they will help you to improve your study, job and finding an online job:

-Managerial Skills

-Creative and Critical Thinking
-Leadership Skills
-Technical Writing skills
-Communication Skills
-Researching and searching skill
-Web Design
  • Coursera Courses:-
1- Managerial Skills:
Project Management Capstone 4 courses created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.7/5).
Strategic Management 4 Courses created by Copenhagen Business School, rate (4.7/5).
Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity 1 course created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.2/5).
Managing Project Risks and Changes  1 course created by university of California, Irvine, rate (4.6/5).
Become a better manager of people 4 Courses created by University of Minnesota.***
2-Leadership Skills:
Leading to inspire and engage others 4 Courses created by Case Western Reserve University.***
International Leadership and Organizational Behavior 1 course created by Universita Bocconi.


3-Creative and Critical Thinking:
4-Technical Writing skills:
Transform Your Writing Skills 4 Courses created by UCI.***
5-Communication Skills:
Improve Your English Communication Skills 3 Courses created by Georgia institute of Technology.***
Social Media Marketing 5 Courses Created by NorthWestern University. ***
Develop Your Marketing Strategy 4 Courses created by IE Business School. ***
Drive Customer Behavior Online 5 Courses created by University of Illinois. ***
7-Web Design:
Create a Web Experience 5 Courses Created by University of London. ***
Learn to Design and Create Websites 4 Courses Created by University of Michigan. ***
8-Researching and searching skill:
The most important skill that help me to create this blog is searching skill who to find any information about anything, this topic DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEARCH AND RESEARCH illustrates the difference between this two skills.
Critically Evaluate Social Science Research and Analyze Results Using R 5 Courses created by University of Amsterdam, In 5 courses, learn to recognize sloppy science, perform solid research and do appropriate data analysis.***
Become an SEO Expert 6 Courses created by UCDAVIS, Master search engine optimization tools and strategies. ***
  • Other Courses:- 
Show Academy (Paid Courses)
Build Learning and Study Skills to Excel at University Learn to research, solve problems, think critically, and communicate effectively in your university courses.  ( Coursera)
-Steps of Researching Click Here.
Note : (***) means Important courses.

It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.

English Learning Websites

Why should i study English ?

I can write many things that encourage you to improve your English that really can help you in many things and there are many people that gain many opportunities and scholarships because of their English proficiency.

But you can read this article from Oxford Royale Academy to know more about the English language benefit Click Here    
To Know the difference between American and British English Click Here 

The best way to improve your English accent is talking 
 with real people special native English people,  you have to use your English every day.
  • This are some websites about exchange languages:  
  • Top websites to learn English :

TedX Talks
BBC Learning English
British Council 

Voice of America News

  • For English Vocabulary : (Online Translator) (Collection Dictionary)
Test Vocab.

  • For Reading News:
CNN World News
NBC World News
ABC News

  • Some online courses:

-Coursera Courses : Learning English
-open Culture : Learn English
-English Capsules: English Materials

  • Article about speaking:

33 ways to speak better English – without taking classes



Before Learning you have to know your level, the best way you want to learn through, reading and writing everyday.  

It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.

Online Courses Websites

These are some On-Line Courses and Websites that you can visit and enrol in any course about any field, some of them have a verified Certificate that you can use or add to your Linked In.
All you need to do is open the website
, sign up for free and enrol in any free course.
I recommend that you choose the courses that will help you in your field of study or work or even life, don’t waste your time on courses that don’t help you.

To know More about Coursera Click Here

2-UCI Open

University of California Irvine Introduces many online courses about many fields and It also has  a channel on You-Tube to To learn more about the channel Click Here

It was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, edx is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.

It also has a blog, to visit it Click Here



We’re the world’s online learning marketplace, where 10 million+ students are taking courses in everything from programming to yoga to photography–and much, much more. Each of our 40,000+ courses are taught by an expert instructor, and every course is available on-demand, so students can learn at their own pace, on their own time, and on any device.

Also if you are a good instructor or Teacher you can work with Udemy for more information Click Here



TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) was established as a Royal Academy in 1842 to facilitate the education of civil engineers.

Are you looking to make your career in science, design or engineering? Then join the community of online learners at TU Delft!

With a history of over 170 years of excellence in research and education, TU Delft has established itself as one of the leading technical universities in Europe, as demonstrated in the yearly world university rankings. TU Delft is positioned no. 19 in the world ranking (no. 6 in Europe) in the Engineering & Technology subject of the Times Higher Education, 2014-2015. With TU Delft you will be joining with thousands of our graduates around the world.


6-Future Learn

We offer a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life.

We believe learning should be an enjoyable, social experience, so our courses offer the opportunity to discuss what you’re learning with others as you go, helping you make fresh discoveries and form new ideas.

To know how it works Click Here


7-Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We’ve also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.



Open Yale Courses (OYC) provides lectures and other materials from selected Yale College courses to the public free of charge via the Internet. The courses span the full range of liberal arts disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences.

  • Registration is not required.
  • No course credit, degree, or certificate is available through the Open Yale Courses website.



To know more about Alison Click Here


10-My Open Courses

MOC evolved to provide access to quality education for skill development. We aim to empower the youth by providing cost effective learning solutions for skill development . Our partner website will grant certifications based on these online lectures.


11-MIT Open Course Ware

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.


12-Study.Com’s self-paced video courses are created by the best teachers and designed to help you meet your educational goals. They will help you improve your grades, better understand concepts from class, and prepare for tests. Most video lessons are 10 minutes or less, so you get the information you need in a fast and fun format.


It’s not everything, try to search for what you need and believe that as much as you get tired of getting information as much as you don’t lose it.

This Article will always be updated, If you find anything that can help leave a comment or  mail me at

Try to build your knowledge by yourself and share this blog if you are interested and follow.



Here is another open courses website that offer many courses and diploma in different fields. 

The difference between alison and coursera is that in alison almost the courses just for reading and after completing your course you can earn your certificate for free.

You should complete your profile because you can get a resume or you can get a pdf file that contain every thing about each course you had taken even it is completed or not. 

1- To get your resume 

2- My Account > My Account > Learner Record and save as a pdf. 

sign up and own your courses, try to build your knowledge by your self.



It is the most perfect and verified Open Course Ware, Coursera introduces many courses in different fields through top universities, simply sign up to choose your course.

After Singing up you can enrol in any course but many people may want something to encourage them like a certificate or may want to use a certificate as a guide you had taken this course.
Well you can obtain the certificate for free through Coursera by the simple steps shown in the pictures below.
You can also share your verified certificate to Linked In.

First Verify your self , here are the instructions you should follow Verification

In Fundamentals of Management course you will see in the description everything about the course, the instructors and the university that producedit.
This course is for only 10$ if you haven’t you can press enroll and take it free but without a certificate

If you want the certificate you should press ( Learn more and click the apply button which is highlighted in yellow.

You will see 3 question after writing how much you earn, why you need this financial aid, why you take this course and what you will do after finishing the course.

After answering each question press I certify that the information I have provided here is accurate and then submit application.

Then you will be informed by an email that you will receive a certificate but after completing the course ,all assignments and tests.

After finishing the course you will receive your certificate in your email and it can be shared on social media and linked to Linked In.

Here you see the courses that you are enrolled in and what you have accomplished and added it to your linked in profile.

it will be like this on Linked In :

Here You will find Many Universities that offers many courses.

Share after reading.

Coursera Link :